Tips regarding UI/UX

  • Motion

    • Material Design uses real-world metaphors as its foundation. Objects in the real world don't move linearly, they move in curved paths and accelerate and decelerate according to the motion's properties.
    • As such, motion should also use such properties and animate objects so that the motion feels natural rather than forced
    • For example, a car leaving the screen in a movie starts off slowly, then accelerates till it's out of the frame. Similarly, views should be interpolated using classes like AccelerateInterpolator, FastOutSlowInInterpolator, etc. [More Info]
    • When changing the visibilities of views, if you add android:animateLayoutChanges="true" to the parent, you get a nice little animation for free. [Ref Link]
  • Typography

    • While custom typefaces can be used for branding, it is essential to stick to Roboto and Noto if possible, especially for body text, due to their clarity and optimistic nature.
    • Roboto covers Latin, Greek and Cyrillic extended scripts, with Noto filling in for other language scripts [More Info]
    • Weight balancing is an important aspect of typography, the fundamental concept of which is that the larger a typeface is, the less its weight should be so that it doesn't appear too thick and balances its weight with smaller typefaces of higher weights
    • Typography should align to a 4dp baseline grid, and maintain a minimum contrast ratio of 4.5:1 based on luminance values, with a recommended ratio being 7:1.
    • The ideal reading length for large blocks of text is 40 to 60 characters per line. Anything less is too narrow and anything more is too wide.
  • Icons

    • Icons should be designed at 48dp, with 1dp edges, which equates to
      • 48px by 48px at mdpi
      • 72px by 72px at hdpi
      • 96px by 96px at xhdpi
      • 144px by 144px at xxhdpi
      • 192px by 192px at xxxhdpi
    • An additional icon of 512px by 512px should be designed for use on Google Play
    • Material icons, in addition to the base icon, should contain the following important elements
      • 1dp tinted edge at the top
      • 1dp shaded edge at the bottom
      • Contact shadow - a soft shadow around all edges of raised elements
      • Finish - a soft tint to provide surface lighting, fading from upper life to lower right [More Info]
  • Ripples

    • When implementing Ripple Effect use ?attr/selectableItemBackground instead of ?android:attr (Ref)

    • When implementing Ripples contained within the view like Button, use (Ref)

    • When implementing Ripples that extend beyond the view's bounds like ImageView: (Ref)

  • Other Points to Note
    • Views should be aligned to Material Design's 8dp baseline grid and the keylines when possible. This gives the UI a sense of structure and hierarchy. [More Info]
    • If you plan on keeping a reference to any ViewGroup (LinearLayout, FrameLayout, RelativeLayout, etc.), and you don’t want to use any methods specific to this particular type of Layout, keep it as a ViewGroup object. [More Info]
    • While picking an accent color (if the brand already has one), pick a color complementary to the primary color so that the contrast is high enough