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Create an instance of ZenTone:

val zenTone = ZenTone()

ZenTone accepts 3 arguments, each having a sensible default:

  1. sampleRate: Int = 44100
  2. encoding: Int = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT
  3. channelMask: Int = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_MONO

based on your requirement, you can pass a different value when instantiating ZenTone i.e

val zenTone = ZenTone(channelMask = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO)

Start playing audio with a frequency and volume: = 400f, volume = 2)

play() accepts 3 arguments:

  1. frequency: Float
  2. volume: Int. It ranges from 0 to 100, where 0 is no audio and 100 is full volume.
  3. waveByteArrayGenerator: WaveByteArrayGenerator = SineWaveGenerator, here SineWaveGenerator is a sensible default.
  4. POssible options are SineWaveGenerator, SquareWaveGenerator and TriangleWaveGenerator

based on your requirement, you can pass a different value when calling play() i.e = 440f,
            volume = 10,
            waveByteArrayGenerator = SquareWaveGenerator)

Stop playing audio:


To release resources held by ZenTone i.e release mic, you can call release() function.

Usually you'll need to call this in onDestroy():

override fun onDestroy() {

Check if ZenTone is playing audio by querying the isPlaying flag:

val isPlaying = zenTone.isPlaying